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BEER PONG Beer pong, also known as beirut, rut, lob pong or scud is a unique collage of throwing balls into cups, intense competition, social relaxation, and witty psyche-outs. No matter what you call it beer pong is a great game to play while tailgating. The game is simple, yet it can be intense. Beer pong is a drinking game in which players throw a table tennis ball across a table with the intent of landing the ball in one of several cups of beer on the other end (the opponent).
The game typically consists
of two two-player teams, one on each side of a table, and a number of
cups set up on each side. Two two-man teams stand at opposite ends of a table (commonly ranging from 6 feet to 10 feet in length) and take turns attempting to lob a table tennis ball into a formation of cups arranged at their opponent's end of the table. The cups are often partially filled (1/4-1/3 a cup) with a liquid, often beer (hence the name), to keep the cups from falling over. If a player successfully lobs a ball into a cup, the cup is removed from the formation.
. . . removed from the
formation and then the defending team must consume all of the beer
inside that cup.
Although the preceding
guidelines are common, the rules may be subject to a wide variety of
modifications and additions that often vary based on the area of the
country, the state, or even the house in which a particular game is played.
BEER PONG RULES Again, There are no official rules! There are so many different versions of the game, and none of them are right/wrong or better/worse. In fact, switching things up every now and then can make beer pong more interesting.
Make up your own house rules!
We here at The Colts
Influence have developed this section of "Rules" more as a
guideline to certain common aspects of the game.
People Needed: 2 or 4 people (head to head or 2 on 2) Teams
Beer pong is usually played
with two teams of two persons each, though it can be played with 2
teams of 1 person each. Each team begins the game standing at either
end of the table behind their rack of cups What you need to play:
(12) 12-16 ounce plastic cups
(6 per team) Playing field Typical table size is 8 × 2 feet, and it stands 27.5 inches above the ground. Although the game is typically played on either a ping pong table or a folding banquet table, beer pong enthusiasts may create a personalized table for use by friends and visitors. In general, this will be a plywood board cut to proper size, sometimes painted with sports, school, or fraternity symbols and given a liquid-proof coating. Starting:
If game has already been
established - Winning team shoots first. Turns: Each team shoots twice per turn. If both players make their shots, the balls are returned and receive an extra turn. Shooting: The ball can be thrown or bounced into the cup. Depending on the length of the table, your elbow may not be allowed to cross the end of the table while shooting. (Good rule for shorter tables). If leaning is permitted, you can lean over the table but may not touch. If the ball somehow lands in the middle of 3 or 4 cups all cups are considered sunk. (very rare, easier when bouncing) Sinking Cups:
A cup is sunk as soon as the
ball touches the contents of the cup. If a ball is spinning in the
cup you may attempt to blow it out
before it touches the cups contents. In some house rules, players must immediately drink any cup that has been hit. Failure to do so incurs a penalty, such as drinking more beer or losing the game
Possible Game Variations Again, There are no official rules! but here are a few more common ways of playing along with some of the more unique versions that you may not have heard of. 6-cup
Formation: Six cups in
pyramid (3-2-1), touching 10-cup
Formation: Ten
cups in pyramid (4-3-2-1), spaced 12-cup Speed Pong
Formation: 12
cups in 2 6-cup pyramids, touching
Throwing Patterns: 2 Balls: Each team member gets a shot. If both members hit, the team may get them back. Otherwise, Team 2 will throw. 1 Ball: Shots alternate one shot at a time per team between all players. For example, for a game between Team 1 (Players A and B) and Team 2 (Players C and D), the throwing pattern may be A-C-B-D-A-C...
Speed Pong: This
variation is used with a set amount of balls (usually 2) where no
throwing pattern exists. Whoever gets the ball has the shot. Winning the game If the opposing team makes the last cup, the other team must usually make either all remaining cups or simply one cup, depending on "house rules", or the opposing team wins - this is called a rebuttal or redemption.[ A shutout rule is a house rule usually stated before a game or during the game in the midst of a shutout. If the shutout does occur the losing team must do whatever the two teams decided on, such as going streaking or drinking a large quantity of beer Game Ending Situations: Note: redemption round means last turn by the team on the verge of losing. Just as in a regular turn, if two shots are made in a row you get another bonus round keeping the game alive.
Misc. Rules: Don't Forget to Bring a Towel!! Well, of course you need a towel to clean all kinds of drunken messes' occurring during beer pong. Water Cups
Make sure you also add using
water cups to your list of beer pong rules! Wash the ball off every
time it hits the ground, or just get in the habit of sloshing the
ball in the water cup before every turn! Keep a Stash of Pong Balls One thing that can interrupt an intense game of beer pong is when you miss a shot and then a drunkard steps on the ball! And then you look in your pong ball stash and of course there are none left! If this hasn't happened to you YET, there is a 99% chance it will in the future.
The solution: Get a Mini Keg
of Beer Pong Balls. It looks like a cool addition to any beer pong
room. You can buy them on Amazon. The Crane You will run across this shot typically when playing people who are almost seven feet tall. Since these giants' heads graze the clouds near the ceiling when they try to shoot, they must lean over towards the cups, outstretching their arm and releasing the ball around the center line on a ping pong table. Though many five plus footers may attempt this shot, the seven footer has the true advantage with his massive wingspan. Combined with a high sniper point of view, this shot is usually deadly and results in [too] short beer pong games. To avoid the crane, make sure my opponents release the ball behind the table. Another good rule is to have the elbow lined up with the end of the table. Moms and grandmas can crane if they want.
Strip beer pong:
Beer pong has many different
variations - however, none so interesting (to me) as Strip
Beer Pong. Beer Pong at a tailgate party is epic. But Strip Beer Pong while tailgating will make you legendary. This is assuming there are men AND women playing the game! PLEASE! Unless it's all woman only and I can watch! To play Strip Beer Pong, you set the game up pretty much the same as you usually do. Now take a Sharpie (or some other worthy permanent marker) and write an article of clothing on each cup - for example, shoes, shirt, pants, bra and so on. When someone from the other team makes a shot into one of your cups, you have the option to either drink the contents or remove the article of clothing named on the cup. If you strip, the cup stays in play. If you strip and that same cup is made again, you must drink the contents and remove it from play. In the case of a bounce shot, the cup must be drank AND the article of clothing must be removed. If you want to switch things up from classic beer pong, this seems like the perfect way to do it.
Q&A What size cups do I use? Sixteen ounce Solo or Dixie cups are the most common. You will have to fill them about a fourth way up or they will tip over if you happen to be playing an opponent whose beer pong shot is comparable to Peyton Mannings rocket arm. How much beer do I use?! That depends on how fast you plan to be drinking! Most games with 2 person teams use 3-4 beers in a ten cup game. Of course, you can use as much as fits in the cup if you really want. Just make sure when you sink a cup your opponent drinks his/her beer before shooting.
What do I use to shoot?
Beer pong balls! Also known as ping pong balls, they are just the
right weight for beer pong. They are consistent in the air yet hard
to master shooting.
How do I rack the cups?
Organize the cups in a triangle formation with the pinnacle of the
triangle pointing towards your opponents. Make sure the cups are
close to your end of the table and make the rims of every cup touch
each other. Who shoots first? You can flip a quarter, or shoot eye-to-eye to determine the first shot. To shoot eye-to-eye, lock your eyes with your opponent and shoot at the same time. Whoever sinks a cup first gets to shoot in the game first.
When do I re-rack? If
you are playing ten cup beer pong two or three re-racks are typical.
If you want to play a quick last game before you go party, re-rack
after every made cup when your side has only four cups out of ten left.
Some houses allow for re-racking, which is also known as rearranging or consolidation. This is when teams can get their cups rearrangements into different formations once or twice and even more as dictated by the rules of the house. For example, a team with three remaining cups may ask the other team to "re-rack" their multiple targets into a single triangle formation. In the event that a "lone cup" is left one the table, a player can call lone cup infinitely and upon hitting the cup is awarded a bonus cup.
Can I distract the
shooters or swat the ball? Umm, you can distract your
opponents however you please, but touching the ball in mid-air is an
automatic one cup penalty. Are there special throws? Yes, if you can bounce the ball in a cup without the other team swatting your ball to smithereens, that counts as two cups. How do i dominate? If you and your partner sink the same cup, that's an extra cup bonus! PLUS, the other team skips a turn and you get the balls back. If you start a game and don't miss a shot, your team can win the game without even giving the other team a chance! I lost! Do I get any second chances? There is a rebuttal shot after the last cup is made, so you do have a chance to tie it up and play a three-cup overtime. There are a few optional rules you can add to spice up your beer pong games: Death Shot: If you aren't up to the task of drinking your beer before you shoot each turn, your opponent can sink the cup you are drinking! The game is over and you feel shame for not drinking your beer promptly. Celebrity Shot - Spectators who have been eagerly following your game can request a celebrity shot if they are feeling lucky.
BEER PONG TERMINOLOGY Definitions: Some key words used to describe different aspects of beer pong.
Overtime: If a team hits the remaining cups during redemption overtime is forced. Overtime consists of each team setting up 3 cups in a triangle format using a beverage to fill them up. The team who hit the last cup first shoots first in overtime. Overtime is played like a normal game with the same rules applied (i.e. overtime can be forced again following the same process).
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