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In memory of James Dungy
January 6, 1987 - December 22, 2005
In memory of James Dungy
January 6, 1987 - December 22, 2005

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Jon T. Anderson

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All good things sooner or later come to an end, and the same goes for camping.
When it comes time to pack it up and head back to our other lives, consider these tips before departing:

Dowse the Grill

Line your grill with aluminum foil for easy clean-up and disposal of spent charcoal.

Make sure that you have some way of extinguishing and throwing away your hot coals. Whatever you do, dispose of firewood or charcoal briquettes properly. Some stadiums have a designated place for hot ashes, but do not dump them in the grass or in trash bins.

check the cooler

Dispose of any food wastes, empty out excess water, and replenish the ice, as needed, for the trip home. 

When the party is over, you may have leftovers. The following tips are great for handling leftovers.

Put any leftovers in coolers as soon as you can because food that sits out for more than two hours isn't safe to eat. If the temperature is above 90º, food should be put up after one hour.

There should be ice left in the cooler to store the perishable items, if not, throw the food out.

When in doubt, throw it out! 


Leave no trace!
How to Clean Up After a Tailgate Party

one more potty break

Before leaving, take advantage of this opportunity to take a final bathroom break and to wash up a bit.

 final walk around

One last check, walk around your vehicle and look around the campsite to see if anything was missed.

say goodbyes

Until next time . . . 

Returning Home

The ride home after a Tailgating Adventure can be long, particularly when you have a hot shower and cozy bed waiting there for you. But, before relaxing, some final chores need to be done:

unload gear

First things first, unload your car, truck or camper and separate everything used on the camping trip.

  empty the cooler

Remove all food from your cooler and place it in the refrigerator, then rinse the cooler and allow to dry.

  store food items

Return all remaining foods to the pantry or cupboard.

 wash the dishes

Even if you did it at the Tailgate Site before leaving, it's still a good sanitary practice to wash them again.

  dispose of trash

Gather up and dispose of any remaining trash. 
Also a good time to whisk out the car or truck of any debris.

  stow away the gear

Shake out all your gear too. If any gear is wet, lay it out, or set it up to dry, before packing it for storage.
Mildew is much easier to prevent than it is to remove.

 Mold and mildew can be a problem, but with a little prevention it can be avoided.

1. When gear gets wet, allow it to dry completely before packing up.

2. After the trip, be sure your camping gear is dry before stowing it away.

3. Store your gear in a dry, ventilated area.

Tailgating should be stress free & fun!
 Good preparation in advance can make the start of your tailgating a breeze. Store all your gear cleaned and in one common area.

No matter how tired you are after a long trip, do not stick that kitchen storage box away in the garage.
 You may discover soiled dishes 
"the mold from hell"
 a week or two later when you go to use it again. 

After every tailgait trip, bring the "mess box" into your kitchen at home.

Over the next few days clean every dish, re-stock those goods: paper plates, towels, plastic forks, etc.

Repack the entire kitchen mess box as if it is 'ready to go' again & then put it away.
It will be a nice treat to easily access your goods the next time you wanna bolt out the door for a spontaneous tailgate trip.

Large refillable 5-10 gallon water containers are available with a faucet type fitting.
Store the container with the lid off & a rag in it.

How to Clean Up After a Tailgate Party

Leave the area cleaner than it was when you got there. 
For quick cleanup, use as many disposable items as you can.

Ask all your guests to take 10 minutes to help clean. 

Repack all the dishes. Use one plastic container for the dirty dishes and another for the clean ones.

If you used a grill, dispose of the charcoal and ashes. Pack the grill in a box or garbage bag, then clean it thoroughly at home later.

Pack perishables in the cooler or throw them away. 

Toss all garbage in a large trash bag or in trash receptacles. 

Place aluminum cans and recyclable plastics in a trash bag to be recycled later.

Return the keg to the store where you purchased it and get your deposit back.

Remove all banners, streamers and pennants from your vehicle before leaving the stadium.

Inspect the area around your car to make sure that you're not inadvertently littering.

Tips & Warnings

Food left out for 2 hours or more should be tossed; if temperatures exceed 90 degrees, throw the food out after 1 hour.

Overall Things You'll Need

Plastic Trash Bags

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  Jon's Images, Inc. All rights reserved

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