The Colts Influence
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The Colts Influence
How to Drink Responsibly Alcoholism can lead to a negative impact in your life. People that do drink, whether they are drinking underage or having a good time at the bar with friends, all need to understand how to drink responsibly and stay within their alcohol tolerance level. Here's how to make sure that you maintain a level of responsibility while drinking alcohol, whether at a party, at the bar, or anywhere else. 1. Use the Buddy System. Make sure you know at least two people wherever you are when drinking. Bar staff of a respectable establishment may be of service here, especially if they know you and you know them. This is vital, so that you don't get robbed, raped, or worse. Always make sure one of those two friends is watching your drink if you leave it (so it doesn't get drugged). Return the favor and watch their drink for them if they leave it unattended. 2. Have a friend with you who knows his/her limit, or does not drink. This person has the ability to "put their foot down" and regulate the amount that you drink. 3. Choose a designated driver. If you decide to go out to the bar with your friends, it's imperative that you have someone that will forgo drinking any alcohol that night. This ensures that you all get home safely. 4. Stay hydrated. Alcohol dehydrates the body and draws from it vitamins and minerals. Drink water, soda or better yet -fitness water such as Propel to reduce the effects of alcohol. Drinking a 1 to 1 ratio of non-alcoholic to alcoholic beverages is a good policy -that's one serving of water for every serving of alcohol. It is preferable to have a greater ratio of non-alcohol to alcohol. 5. Buy a drink with ingredients that you are familiar with. It's good to try something out for the first time, like a "Sex On The Beach" shot or a beer that you haven't had before, but be aware of what the alcohol content is. You may not always be able to detect the strength of the alcohol in your drink. Some contents can bring up your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) more quickly than others, depending on your weight and alcohol tolerance. 6. Drink slowly. It's important to keep a steady pace when you are drinking. It can take time for alcohol to take its effect. You might feel okay for another shot after a couple of minutes, but keep in mind that you probably haven't felt its effects just yet. 7. Don't drink on an empty stomach. You will feel the effects of alcohol a lot faster if you drink on an empty stomach and increase the likelihood of feeling sick. Most food is better than none at all but bread and fruit are probably the cheapest and most productive in this application. 8. Stop drinking if you start to feel drunk. Symptoms of intoxication include blurry vision, slurred speech, and difficulty with maintaining your balance. If you are drunk, switch to drinking water for a while. This will also help to ease the pain of hangover the next day. Generally, one hour per drink is a good rule of thumb. 9. Stop drinking if you vomit. While this is generally a given, it's important that you don't attempt to drink any more alcohol-even if you do start to feel much better after doing so. Vomiting is a signal that your body can't take the amount of alcohol that you have consumed. 10. Know your limit. If this is your first time drinking, it's important to keep your pace, so that you can come to learn your alcohol tolerance. 11. Never get into a car with a stranger if you are intoxicated. Alcohol affects your senses and judgment. Get his/her number and wait until you are sober before you decide to pursue him/her further. Similarly, never get into a car with a driver that is drunk, regardless of the circumstances. 12. Make sure you know how to get home by heart. If you get drunk to the point of losing your memory, your self-preservation will kick in and will drive you to try to get home. If you don't know how to get home, you probably shouldn't go out drinking Tips Alcohol is a depressant. Therefore, it's a bad idea to mix alcohol with stimulants - particularly caffeine, such as coffee or energy drinks. Stimulants trick your body into feeling more alert and conscious, which may lead you to feel as if you can handle a few more drinks. Remember to keep in mind the number of drinks that you've had that night. Stimulants also speed up your heart rate, which, combined with alcohol, can lead to short-term heart palpitations and other serious cardiac problems. DO NOT take sleeping pills, or any prescription or non-prescription drugs with alcohol Always remember, that you are drinking to enjoy and have fun, not to show off. The whole point of drinking is to enjoy the drink, enjoy the company and feel free. You don't need to "keep up," or engage in stupid competitions that could ruin the night. Know your limits. If you get wasted everytime you drink and do stupid things, or your friends have to take you home because you are knocked out, eventually nobody will want to drink with you anymore, or they will leave you alone and unprotected. Warnings Do NOT mix energy drinks with alcohol. The feeling of drunkenness is subdued by energy drinks which is dangerous because it inhibits one's ability to judge one's limit and increases one's risk of alcohol poisoning. Don't resort to drinking for problematic reasons. While going to a bar with some friends for the Superbowl isn't necessarily a problem, the same can't be said if you're turning to the bottle of Whiskey after breaking up with your significant other. If you drink, don't even think about driving. Walk home, call a taxi cab, or ask someone for a ride. A DUI usually costs around $10,000-and that's if you are lucky enough to have been caught before killing someone on the road. Be aware that any amount of alcohol can risk affecting your coordination and state of mind. The extent to which it does this will depend on what you drink, your age, your body mass, and how fast you are drinking. Responsible drinking entails knowing your own limits, drinking in moderation, and being mature about it. If you observe someone that is passed out, will NOT come to consciousness and has not vomited after extreme amounts of alcohol, take the person to the hospital. This person may be subject to alcohol poisoning. Unconsciousness -period- is a life-threatening condition.
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